Showing posts with label Environments. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Environments. Show all posts

Thursday, December 21, 2017

Testimony of Faith – Eight-Year-Long Path … | Eastern Lightning

Testimony of Faith – Eight-Year-Long Path …

Eight years are both long and brief. As far as I am concerned, every day and every night is a torment to separated mother and son. What exactly is the reason that a mother would rather stand the pain of separation from her little son for 8 years? What’s on earth the story behind her?
By Weiyi, China

At dusk, He Ying went out from Sister Li’s home warily. When she was walking past a park, a faint scent of flowers drifted to her, and she took a deep breath of fresh air. Feeling relieved, she relaxed her pace and found a place to have a rest. Not far away, there were young parents and their child playing on the lawn. At times, the mischievous child rushed into his father’s embrace; at times he laid his cheek against her mother’s and whispered “Mom” in a sweet voice in his mother’s ear. The child’s whispers “Mom” hurt He Ying deeply, and feelings of grief and desolation all welled up in her heart.